Using Quilling Paper For Colourful Abstract Macro Shots

012 Feb 2013abstract macro photography, by Barry

Now, as anyone who knows me would tell you, I am not someone that you would expect to find in Hobbycraft.  However, today I found myself wondering about the store with my wife, who was there to get some invitations.  I noticed a few packs of ‘quilling paper’ which immediately caught my eye, as they screamed out to become a subject of some macro photography.

If you are like me then you may not have heard of quilling before, and as such, know what it is, well it is;

“Quilling, also known as paper filigree, is the art of rolling narrow strips of paper and then shaping them to make the most exquisite designs. Projects can range from simple gift tags and cards to pictures, jewellery, three-dimensional models or the decoration of boxes.” source: Quilling Guild

The paper for quilling is available in beautifully intertwined, multicoloured strips of paper, which make for a great macro photography subject, as below.

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How To Choose The Right Photo Paper

Many images are saved in their digital format, but few are made into a hard copy. These often serve a special purpose, from images that are printed and framed to images that are printed and sent to commemorate a special event. If you are looking to source the correct photo paper to meet your needs, here’s how to go about evaluating various options.

Get The Basics Of Printing Right


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