Judge Denies AEG’s Motion to Intervene in Coalition’s Lawsuit Challenging State Law Granting Special Privileges for Farmers Field Project

Press Release

October 16, 2012 – Play Fair at Farmers Field Coalition announces Judge Joanne O’Donnell’s decision this morning to deny a motion by Anschutz Entertainment Group to intervene in the coalition’s constitutional challenge to California Senate Bill 292, which granted special privileges for the Farmers Field and Convention Center modification project.

On Tuesday morning, Judge O’Donnell denied a motion by Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) to intervene in the Play Fair at Farmers Field Coalition’s constitutional challenge to California State Senate Bill 292 (SB292). Passed in 2011, SB 292 violates two sections of the California constitution – the section giving courts original jurisdiction, and that which prohibits special legislation where a general law is applicable. Judge O’Donnell based her decision on the California Attorney General’s ability to adequately defend the California Constitution.

The lawsuit, which was filed late August, followed the opposition of the organizations in Play Fair at Farmers Field Coalition to SB 292, viewing it as an unnecessary and unfair attack on the community protections provided by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and creating a special loophole for a large developer at the expense of community health. The Coalition continues to be very concerned about the proposed project’s adverse effects on the health and well-being of residents in Pico Union, Downtown Los Angeles, and South Los Angeles. The lawsuit was filed against the State of California who bears the responsibility for passing SB 292 and for ensuring equitable, constitutional policy-making.

The attorneys representing the plaintiffs are Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, Hadsell Stormer Richardson & Renick LLP, and Robert D. Newman, Attorney-at-Law.





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